
Inilah mengapa silaturahmi besar pahalanya..

a quote from...

No Dream is Ever Too Big..

Cerita Dibalik LKMA 2012

Day #6 : Berkunjung ke Rumah Sendiri, KBRI KL

Day #5 : Jelajah Kampus Bersyariat Islam, IIUM

Negri Kaya Ini...

Day #4 : Menikmati Keelokan Putrajaya

Day #3 : Our Path Here, at University of Malaya : SMAIT Insantama Go to Malaysia

Day #2 : Dari Semut Hingga Jantung Manusia di UPM

Day #1 : Flight to Malaysia

Headline News!

Day #-1 : Upacara Pelepasan Kontingen LKMA 2012

Bismillah :'D


Sagacious at IMD 2012

We Start and End HERE :)

midnight thougts

Salam JAISH !


LKMA T-Shirt Pre Order

The Winner of LKMA 2012: T-shirt Design Competition


Episode Baru Ms Hikari

LKMA 2012 T-Shirt Design Competition

Bantu Publikasi-in LKMA yuk !

new kids on the stage

Penyanyi Baru

we're almost there ^^

Karena Cinta-Nya Pasti Berbalas..

LKMA 2012's Background Story

26 09 12 Trip Photos

Pra LKMA : Kunjungan ke Kedutaan Besar Malaysia

Hardest Thing To Do

Ummah Abused By Crisis Continuously

LKMA Go To Malaysia 2012

Fight for LKMA!

Selalu Ada

Jumlah Post Sebulan = Tingkat Kesibukan

A Letter From Stef :"

The Way to Go


Just The Unknown Blogger

Selamat 1th JAISH ^^

Islamic Terms in English

We gonna miss ya, Ramadhan!

SDIT insantama, SD TER- yang paling TOP

"Gimana, Betah Nggak?"

Nikmati Prosesnya..

Pemilihan Ketua OSIS SMAIT Insantama 2012-2013


So which of your Lord`s blessings do you deny?

The New Structure of JAISH

SIXSENSE's Wishes Tree

Again, Another Words for OSIS...

A rainbow after the rain ;)

Buat OSIS...

Goodbye OSIS Card! :")

Kryptonite? Go Away!

LKMA Movie

Deg-deg.. Tahun Depan!


Kebesaran Allah

Cry As Much As You Can!

Thats How Short Life Is

Cotton Candy Bunch

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