The Way to Go

a moment ago i thought i’m the one who don’t have a dream. masuk surga? definitely, yes! it's must be the dream of all moslem in the world. but, i mean a real and specific dream, like who i want to be in the future or which job i want to do.

when someone asks me about my 'cita-cita', sometimes i answer it by a shake of a head. and you-know-what, when my mother fills my high school questionnaire about me, she wrote 'masih belum tahu' in 'cita-cita' part. and unfortunately, it’s real.

somebody can talk to others bravely, what they want to be in the future. a doctor, a psychologist, designer, programmer, or other job. enter 'this' university. enter 'this' faculty. take 'this' job. make 'this', do 'this'. have 'some' child. then live happily ever after... they can tell the other about their beautiful plans. they already know what they want to be. and it mean, they now the way to reach their dreams.

it’s so important to know what you want to be from now on. or we can say, we must make our dream and our beautiful plan from now. so we know which path that we must walk on to reach our destination. we can’t let time bring us wherever, and make us lost right? if you don’t have a plan for your future, you might be lost at the way to get there.

so many people become success because they write down their dreams and believe on it . the power of dream, like i said in my other post last time. there's no reason for not follow their way. think about my dreams and make up my future plan now? in the last year of high school? you think it’s late? believe me, it's not too late! cause dreams are never too late to be believed in...

now i think i already have a dream, about who i want to be in the future. or in the short term rate, what faculty i want to take at university. i want to get in the architecture technique at the best state university. now i decide to be an architect.

although i know i’m not good at drawing, i’m not good at physic and mathematic, and i’m not good enough in many other things; at least i know what must i do from now. i must change the ‘not good’ things become ‘the best’. at least, now i know the way to go…

anyone who read this, please say 'amin' and pray for me!
thanks, and hope allah will grant your dream too :)


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