Normally living the normal life

How we know that we are living the normal life?

What if actually as long as we live we constantly living the abnormal life, thinking, we are living it normally? Thinking, the abnormal really is normal?

How we know all of these life is abnormal if we never live it normally?

However, what is normal?

Are living the abnormal life, pretending its normal, is considered living the normal life?

Do i ever live normally?
Do i normal?
Do i, even, ever living the life itself?



  1. idk if u still need to hear this, but evryone have their own normal. evrything is all relative really theres nothing absolute in this crazy world we live in, thats why no matter what kind of life u living just live in it girl! dont even bother with what other people think or even comparing to other's people life either, we all gonna die someday anyway does it matter anymore? no! live ur life like whatever the heck u want it to be! is it normal or not dont matter live the moment!! you inspired me so much i wont let anyone make u feel down!


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