Fuchu AMEDAS & TUAT Temperature Meter Data


In Japan, the citizens commonly run their activity based on the weather forecast, so that the weather forecast, including the system and the device are very important. 

Now the Japan weather forecast are processed from the data obtained from The Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System (AMeDAS) that measuring precipitation, wind direction/speed, temperature and sunshine duration (with snow cover meter). 

Beside that, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TUAT) also have air and soil temperature meter that installed in TUAT campus inner and outer forest. That temperature meter installed by Forest Hydrology laboratory, Natural Environment Conservation division, department of Ecoregion Science, Faculty of Agriculture, TUAT for research of their student.

So the differences or similarities between the data from the Fuchu Amedas and the air and soil temperature meter that installed in TUAT campus inner forest are sought. Also for the relationship between air temperature and soil temperature.

  • To study about AMEDAS as Japan weather forecasting system device
  • To know the difference between data obtained from AMEDAS and air and soil temperature device installed in TUAT campus
  • To know about the relationship between air and soil temperature
Data obtaining method:
  • Fuchu Amedas
Hourly weather temperature data from October 14-25th 2016 are obtained from JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) website at http://www.jma.go.jp/en/amedas_h/today-44116.html? 
  • Inner forest air & soil temperature meter
Soil and air temperature data from October 14-25th 2016 are obtained by data logger from the air and soil temperature meter that installed in TUAT campus inner forest.

Data obtained & processed result:

The  Difference and Similarities Between Fuchu Amedas Weather Temperature & Inner Forest Air Temperature

Data Explanation:
  • The data between Fuchu Amedas hourly weather temperature data & inner forest air temperature data are 99% similar
  • The difference between both data is the Fuchu Amedas temperature is mostly higher in the daytime and lower in the night time. 
  • It caused by the difference of  the installation location. 
  • The Fuchu Amedas that installed at the open air may get more sunshine than the device installed in inner forest which the sunshine are blocked by trees canopy. 

The  Relationship Between Inner Forest Air Temperature & Soil Temperature

Data Explanation:
  • The change of air temperature caused the change of soil temperature. It can be seen expecially in the upper soil temperature data (5 cm)
  • The deeper the soil, the temperature are quite stable and not so affected by the air temperature change. It can be seen in the deepest soil temperature data (40 cm)
  • The soil temperature changing are depends on the heat intensity that received from the sun shine.
  • The upper soil receive more heat from sunshine than the deeper soil.

The  Peak Weather Temperature Value and Time

Data Explanation:
  • The highest weather temperature between October 14-25th 2016 is 28ºC at 2 PM on October 20th
  • The lowest weather temperature between October 14-25th 2016 is 7.7ºC at 5 AM on October 25th
  • In average, the peak of the temperature during the dates are 18.7ºC and happen at around 2:10 PM.
  • In average, the lowest of the temperature during the dates are 13.49ºC and happen at around 5:27 AM.

  • The data between Fuchu Amedas hourly weather temperature data & inner forest air temperature data are 99% similar
  • The difference is the Fuchu Amedas temperature is mostly higher in the daytime and lower in the night time -> higher amplitude 
  • The change of air temperature caused the change of soil temperature. -> can be seen in the upper soil (5 cm), >40cm are stable
  • The soil temperature changing are depends on the heat intensity that received from the sun shine.
  • The difference of  the installation location and number of vegetation shades also become the difference factor -> inner forest & experiment field

Salma Fadhilah
Laboratory Research Result Presentation 
Student Research in Spesific Field course 
ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Program 2016
Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology 


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