#DaysInJapan: Campus Life

Some people are wondering, why i seems to be always going places instead of sitting in the class and studying. That's so sad tho. Because i always post and write about my experience when i went to the new places, even its just a few days of my veeeeeryyy loooong time i stay here (i start feel it long beause i craving for be-in-the-home feeling right now......), doesn't mean that's just what i am doing here. I didn't post the other days just because, everyday i just sit in the same class for whole week and join lab and lab seminar. So what can i share...

I'm joining the ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) program in Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TUAT) in Fuchu campus, Tokyo for 1 semester. Before the regular semester come, our first month was filled by the common courses. All the student must take all the classes together with all the student from other AIMS program member university in Japan. So also there were AIMS students that belong to Ibaraki University and Tokyo Metropolitan University. That common classes were the big classes that contains 50-60 students. Each week, every university gave the common lecture based on their speciality and mostly all about the overview of Japan for the foreign students, like the environment, agriculture, geography, and tourism.

I missed the first week because of my late visa, then the next two weeks were mostly held in the  TUAT Fuchu classroom (including the class from Ibaraki University), and some times walk around the campus field laboratory. Then the last day of that, we went to Kawagoe City for the cultural visit day (that was written here).

This is the photos that taken on my last week of orientation in Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) in Minami Osawa. At there, we took the Tourism and Geography in Japan course. It actually was contents of just 1 day lecture at class, 2 days of field trips to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office, Ueno Zoo, Ueno shrines and temples, and a kimono shop (that i'll write about it later), plus last 1 day of final presentation. T'was super fun. Thats why i seems had so much trips that week.

I don't know where is the main gate but that's where i always get into my class

i cant find the big signage so

after the final presentation, with all the AIMS awardee all around Japan

The Minami Osawa campus of Tokyo Metropolitan University is located very near from Minami Osawa Station. And from the station, we can see the good sceneries of like european or something (i dont know what but actually not seems like japanese) building of shops. 

view from TMU gate. 
Were actually cross above the roadway.

Pretty ornamental plantsssss, on the way back to station.

Closest view of the pretty plantssss.
(But that are actually artificial flowers tho)

After that first month of orientation, we do the regular classes at our host university. In TUAT (or Nokodai that stands for Tokyo Noko Daigaku in japanese), i'm below the department of Agriculture and Environmental Science because there's no Landscape Architecture department. With the students from Malaysia, Thailand, and Philliphines who came from the same program with me, i'll study the courses that i choose that related to my actual major. All of my courses are held in english. My class is just filled by the student of this program. So if a course is chosen by only a few student, so there you are; in the class which is just contains of three or four people including the lecturer. The only class that fully filled by all the students is Japanese Language and Culture course.

Main gate of TUAT campus
(blurry photo just because wanna catch the crow)

Main building

Lecture hall 1, where i spent my first 2 weeks of orientation courses

The library
(sorry again because the sun shines so bright /so much excuse)

Inside the library
(Sorry again for the potrait photo orientation because--------)

Final presentation of the common course

First day of regular course in our tiny class room 

The class that just content of 4 students............................
(class or party?)
((Sorry again Jasper for stealing your facebook photos))

Laboratory work

And thats all. Like i said before, the rest days are have the same pattern like just sit in the same class for whole week and join lab work and lab seminar at noon 'till dawn twice a week. Sometimes go to the library because don't have any place to go between classes (and because of i can pray in the study room 'cause there's no single prayer room in the campus). Eat luch at the campus park bench (not at the cafetaria because i always bring bento), and sometimes go to Global Information Office (GIO) at the Main Building to meet our program coordinator. And the rest are mostly the same as what i did in IPB for the past 3 years so-----

Read other post about #DaysInJapan here


  1. Kak Salma, sekarang kakak kuliah di Jepang? Jurusannya apa kak? Terus kakak udah lulus dari IPB? Nanti balik lagi gak ke Indonesia? Atau tetep di sana? Maaf banyak nanya hehe

    1. Bukan kuliah di jepang, tapi ikut exchange :)
      Bisa dibaca di postingan yang ini yaa https://salmafadhilah.blogspot.co.id/2017/02/how-i-went-to-japan-tuat-aims-program.html?m=1

    2. Oiya di atas juga di mention looh kalo cuma exchange 1 semester, coba dibaca lebih teliti ya lain kali :)


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