Childhood Dream: An Intro to #DaysInJapan

the -i dont know the meaning- random writings in haneda airport

I'm not so into mangas. Although i like, i also rarely watch animes and japan's dorama. I just once went to the japanese culture event that's held every year in my city. And i'm also not familiar with japanese music and band or singer for real. But visiting Japan is always be my dream since i was in elementary.

My father been there once for a period when i was in the 4th grade. He brought so many stuffs home then. Dolls, toys, stationaries, food, comics, magazines, and such a normal souvenirs that normally carried from overseas. And the thing that catch my eyes is the old japan's magazines that kind of look like a japanese national geographic. It's full of photos that is represent the beauty of Japan. The nature, culture, people... Each pages of it made me stares. I turned the page until the last page and repeat it over and over again. As a child, i already kept in my mind that someday i'll be there. Going to see it with my own eyes. Japan.

That's my first falling to love Japan.

Like i said before, i don't do the 'japan addict' did normally. I just keep it in mind and stay to not tell and show anyone. I just wrote some writings here bout japan, a short story, and that's all of it. I did'nt do anything to reach it and make it near for years.

Until one day my mother also went there once for work. And it's occured again. The call. The need to move and run to it. Until when i was on my last year of highschool, i applied once for Monbugakusho scholarship, the japan govenrnment scholarship that brings you study in Japan. Also i once tried to study japanese for the preparation of it. Even that time, i left my university test preparation behind for that. And unfortunately, i failed. Then i filled another Japan scolarship application later but i didn't send it for the reasons i can't remember. The rest thing continues with i'm studying landscape here, in Indonesia, even just stay in Bogor.

scrolling down the facebook until passed years of post to this

The meeting of me and my senior in landscape, Kak Potter (which written here), who went abroad in  so many times include Japan, also gave me some charge to started reaching for my dreams again. The writings of her made me sure that i also can experience the thing like she did. If i want. I don't want to go there for vacation that is just spend money, just for happiness. I specifically want to feel the feeling of being a student there. Study. Strolling around as a Japanese student. So i thought, when i can't get the opportunity now, i will try it after i graduated in IPB to continue my master program there.

Until that day, the beginning of this year. I was on my busy day for doing my field excursion thing, and then the news cames up. My faculty opened some scolarships for study abroad in some country in Asia, include Japan. I prepared to apply in that busy days. Then it was on holiday but i often went to campus for the preparation. I studied and did the toefl test, filled the forms and requirements, and applied. And voila! Here i come. I'm here now. In Japan. 

And my childhood dream finally comes true...

Definitely its not that simple. Really not simple but very complicated. There was so many hard days and obstacles. But yeah, i don't want to share the bitterness... You guys will not want to hear it right? 

So i just write the story and post some photos while i'm here and this is the intro. I will write much about my days in Japan later by the hashtag #DaysInJapan. So stay tune!

Thanks for reading :)

Read more post about #DaysInJapan here


  1. IMO actually the bitterness is the part that I think anyone should've known... It can be a measure for them especially if they are in the same path as you right now..

    1. hohooo okaaay, next deh re ditulis. makasih sarannya yaaa, makasih juga udah mau baca :D

  2. Alhamdulillah. Selamat menikmati hari penuh warna sebagai bagian dari hari yg pernah kita impikan sebelumnya ya salma. Selamat berkelana pada satu episode dimana mimpi (baca: harapan)jadi nyata milik kita...

  3. Alhamdulillah. Selamat menikmati hari penuh warna sebagai bagian dari hari yg pernah kita impikan sebelumnya ya salma. Selamat berkelana pada satu episode dimana mimpi (baca: harapan)jadi nyata milik kita...


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