Agricultural and Environmental Issues on Asian Countries

ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand are well known as the countries that rich in environmental resource. Besides that, their economics are also depends on the agricultural products. So, the agricultural and environmental issues in the countries are the important issues that can affect their regional sustainability and need to be solved. And these are the some issues that presented after long discussion in groups based on countries about the agriculture and environment. 

The first presented issue is about the pest management on horticulture products in West Java, Indonesia. Times before, there was some pest attack in some regions in West Java such as Sumenep. The pest is a kind of worm and its attack a horticulture product like chilli, although they have spread the insecticide to the plantation. Some data says that it caused by the genetics change of the pest because of excessive expose of the pesticide.

The solutions of the issue that provided are increasing the farmer and environmental health by giving more education to the farmer. The farmers are trained to use the organic pesticide and technique for decrease the number of economic loss. Some of the techniques are pest trap, Sex Pheromone, Regufee plants, and the uses of greenhouse. 

The second issue are also from Indonesia. It tells about how to face the environmental problem caused by palm oil plantation in Indonesia. As we know, Indonesia is the largest exporter country of palm oil. But nowadays, there are some country that banned the palm oil from Indonesia because it caused environmental problem from the palm oil plantation field opening that is deforestation.  Sometimes they also use the peat land that is so rich of organic material that causes the soil degradation.

The smoke from slash and burn method that used in deforestation are caused air pollution, decrease the biodiversity, caused fire, and so many bad impact. To face and solve the problem, the solution provided are to do the field intensification and stop expanding the plantation area instead of desforestation. The intensification can be done by using the hybrid variety of plantation that produce more oil and also doing the land optimizing like agropasture. We also must do the soil and water conservation in the palm oil plantation field. 

Next, the problem that exposed from Thailand is the existence of Opium production in the past. Opium is the main livelihood source of the Thai people from long time ago. They sold the opium from poppy flower to the golden triangle area. The triangle area consists of Burma, Vietnam, and Laos. But this cause problem like morphine addicted, deforestation, and social & economic problem.
Then the King Bumiphon, the king of Thailand at that time solved the problem by the project called Royal Project. The project is to switch the agricultural activity form planting poppy flower into horticulture products. The horticulture products later sold in the royal market, airlines Company, and hotels. Now the Thai people, by the king and government help, can live their life without planting and selling opium that is dangerous and caused many problems.

The last issue that presented is environmental and social problem caused by palm oil plantation in Malaysia. Palm oil production in Malaysia gives a big contribution to reduce poverty. Besides that, the palm oil plantation also make a big problem that is soil degradation, soil pollution, and social problem. 
Felda Global Ventures or Federal Land Development Authority Global Ventures are organization that produces and become the operator of the palm oil plantation. So the solution provided by Felda GV is to maintaining the plantation management in Malaysia. The steps is by doing the multi cropping in the palm oil plantation field and use such a technology like Genetic Modification Organism (GMO). 

Salma Fadhilah
Report of Group Discussion & Presentation of Agricultural and Environmental Issues on Asian Countries
International Environmental & Agricultural Sciences Course 
ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Program 2016
Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology 
Wednesday, September 14th 2016


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