Immigration Office, Colourfull Place

udah dua kali, i went to immigration office to make my passport for LKMA. dan udah dua kali juga, i went out from the dorm early in the morning to catch the line for take queue number. then sat in the bench and wait until the turn. i mean not me, but we. me and some of my friends, fadh, nay, astri, and the one and only who different, hudza. the first team of all, the experiment.

first i think it very difficult to make passport, specially if we make it by ourselves. without our parents help, or at least people who bigger than us. but actually its not as bad as i think before. ya, although thats not easy too.

birokracy. if we can make it difficult, why we make it easy? that thing make our simple thing always become complicated. thats the basic problem. then so many problems we met. with the procedure, and also the people there.

but at there we got many experience, some life lesson. the problems in our future are bigger than this. so its not a big problem. so, why we must feel so bothered by this? not a kind of important thing..

and so, its a colourfull place for us. rangkaian bunga, pak bambang, permen mentos, dimarahin, ngakak-ngakaknya kita, diliatin orang waktu ngomong bahasa inggris dimanapun kita. many things happen at this place. funny things, confusing, sad, happy, bored, annoying, angry. and many kind of feelings. yah, if you think i'm over, but its real. mereka sendiri yang bilang kok, bahkan i write this because of their request ;)

finally, our passport is already to take! tomorrow, at monday we must go back there to take our passport. with all of us, 5 person. and its become our last visit to immigration office. just see..

must happy? or sad?


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