The Nice Study Tour

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In Friday, March 27th 2009, I and all of eighths grade, teachers, and staff in the State High School 1 of Singosari (SMP Negeri 1 Singosari) went to study tour to some places in Yogyakarta. We went to five places, which were Borobudur temple, Dirgantara museum, Yogyakarta’s palace or Yogyakarta’s Keraton, pottery craft central in Kasongan, and the last, Malioboro street.

On about six o’clock in the evening, we came together to school. After prays Maghrib in the school mushala, we started our journey. My group is going by the second bus. In the bus, we sang the song, chatted, and then we slept.

In the middle of the night, we all got down from the bus in Caruban for rested. After that, we continued our journey. On about four o’clock in the morning, we got down again in Sandi Restaurant. In here, we bathed, prayed subuh, and got a breakfast. After all is finished, we entered again to the bus and went to Borobudur Temple.
When the day was bright, we arrived in Borobudur Temple. The tour guide, guiding us for learned more about Borobudur Temple history. Borobudur Temple is wonderful places. The temples were made without glue or cement. But, the temples were strong and firm. After we finished our survey, we took some photos, because the view is very beautiful. And then, we continued our journey again by bus.

The second places are Dirgantara Museum. Dirgantara Museum is place to kept the planes, arms, and some air soldier clothes. In here, also kept some photos about plane in long time ago. After we saw all, we went to the next places.

The next places are Yogyakarta’s palace. Yogyakarta’s palace often called Yogyakarta’s Keraton. Yogyakarta’s Keraton was place where the king of Yogyakarta lives. Now, the king of Yogyakarta is tenth Sultan Hamengkubuwono. We arrived in Yogyakarta’s Keraton in the middle of the day. It’s about twelve o’clock. We were following and listened guide explanation, and we will wrote it in our note book.
After the Yogyakarta’s Keraton, we went to fourth places, was pottery craft central in Kasongan. There was places where makes the potteries. My friend tried to make a pottery from clay, but it’s hard. We asked the guide about the pottery, the materials, and the techniques. After all information was collected, we continued to went to the last places.

The last places were Malioboro street. We arrived in Malioboro at four o’clock. But, before us shopping in Malioboro, we got a bath and prayed. I melt my aunt who lived in Yogyakarta. She’s name was Aunt Nina. Aunt Nina accompanies us to visited some shops. In Malioboro was sold many goods. And the goods are didn’t expensive. I bought some key strap for my little sister, and my aunt gave me three box of bakpia. In seven o’clock, we backed to the bus for home ward.

In the bus, we told our friend about our journey this day. In the middle of the night, we stopped in Caruban again for rested.

In Sunday morning, about 4.30 am, we arrived in the school. My father already stayed in school. And I go back to my house. This study tour was very nice. I was tired. But I was very happy.

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