Ssst, (An Unreal) First Post

ssst, listen first. dont tell anyone else. this isnt my real first post on this blog. but its easy to just pretend it is, right?  just set the date :)

let me tell you the story, *the sad music played*
i start writing in this blog actually at 2010. 21 January, 2010 by this blog post. a post that totally not usefull, have no meaning at all (CAUTION: dont click the link if you dont want your precious minutes of life just wasted and being useless :p) i wrote that when i'm in the 9th grade of junior high school. just the immatures kid writing, ignore it. haha (ain't delete it and keep it exist, just because its also become a blogging life historic part of mine :')

my journey in the blogging world actually started when i was in the 8 grade of junior high school, in the portal named by the url now the blog web portal is just a history after become a place market and online shop portal then totally closed on December 2012. i wrote about it here.

i've saved all of the posts i made there, and after long time i decided to post it here too (just some of the important, usefull, and worth one), in my primary private blog ( instead of just keep it in my laptop memory. the date set in this post is the date when i post the first post in that first blog. in that time, i just type this kind of writing:
Inilah Aku...

Sep 10, '08 3:59 PM for everyone 
Aku seorang manusia biasa. Kehidupanku memang tidak seseru cerita-cerita di buku atau film. Tapi inilah duniaku.. 

just it. a silly writing of a junior highschool graders, right? -__-v, ok just ignore it too

now i write this post while im on my first semester holyday in my first year in college. time flies fast, huh :') for real, today is 27 Januari of 2014, not 10 September of 2008...

that's all. thank you, and you're lucky if you read this story of mine, haha. you're good at stalking by found this very first post of this blog :) thanks for reading! enjoy :))

salma fadhilah,
10.00 am, 27 Januari of 2014

ah, and i have another new blog as a college student at, please visit it if you have a time :) tons of thanks!!!


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